Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The uncensored statement on: Same Sex Marriage in DC and USA!

Dear citizens of the District of Columbia and the citizens of these United States heed these words; by not allowing the citizens of moral conscious to vote and letting only the council to decide such a major issue affecting everyone here and our children for generations to come will be nailing one more nail in the coffin of the “End of Days”. The Creator of all of us, God, has already told us how to consider homosexual behavior, it is an abomination! He is the one who created the institution of marriage, therefore, it is sacred! The sanctity of marriage must be protected!

We appeal to your moral conscious to not act on this alone, but let the enter community have a say by allowing a vote. Those who consider themselves as friends of God must stand up and be counted by doing the right thing by not allowing the marriages that do not meet the standards set by God. The issue is a community issue and the behavior of some are offensive to the moral fiber of the community of the United States. Same sex marriages if allowed will lead to the extermination of the human race because there is no procreation.

It would be nice to say that this did not happen before in human history but it has, remember Sodom and Gomorrah how our dear Prophet Lot and his family were saved from such behavior! Allah says in His Qur'an:

And (Remember) Lot: behold, he said to his people: you do commit lewdness such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you. Do you indeed approach men, and cut off the highway? And practice abominations in your meetings? But his people gave no answers but this: “Bring us the wrath of Allah if you tell the truth!” He said: “ O my Lord! Help Thou me against people who do mischief!” Qur'an 29:28-30

"The people of Lot rejected his warning. We sent a violent tornado with showers of stones, (which destroyed them) except the family of Lot, whom We rescued in the last watch of the night," Qur'an 54:33-34

Therefore, I say: “ O! Allah, help us against these people who do great mischief!”

Note: The Qur'an was not sent to just the Muslims but it was sent to all of mankind. The Qur'an is Allah's Speech and therefore He is speaking directly to every human being, all of us. Take heed! He wants us all to serve and worship and obey Him alone!

Do you really believe the Creator of us all will be pleased with same sex marriages? I truly don't think so! And remember Rome! Need we have the raft of God befall us too! It is time for the morally upright citizens to stand up to this diabolical evil!

If we act we will cause others across this great nation to act!

"None deserves to be worship but Allah,
 and Muhammad is His Messenger!"

You are cordially invited to become Muslim
by accepting Islam as your way of life!

Please: Reflect! Consider! Accept!

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