Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Did Jesus Christ (Prophet Isa (AS) die on the cross?

In the Gospels of Barnabas it tells what actually happened and why.  Prophet Isa, Jesus, (AS) was not nailed to cross; as Allah has stated in the Qur'an; but it appeared to the onlookers that he was.  Allah (SWT) says:

 "That they said (in boast) "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah"-But they did not kill him, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for surely they did not kill him!" Qur'an, Al Nisa (4):157

In the Gospels of Barnabas the person who actually was crucified was Judas!  Judas was so anxious to betray Jesus that when the Romans solders went to the house of Lazarus to arrest Jesus Judas, who was with them, went in the door first. There was no other door and only a window. Allah (SWT) in His Mercy took Jesus up to Him as Judas was entering the door and as Judas was entering Allah transformed Judas to look exactly like Jesus. When the Romans came in they saw Jesus and grabbed Judas thinking he was Jesus for he looked just like him. That is why in the Bible it says that Jesus kept denying them when they said he was the king of the Jews; he actually was Judas and truly not Jesus. That is also why in the Bible Jesus cried out on the cross "O God why have you forsaken me?" Jesus was not on the cross; it was Judas looking like Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus because he truly believed that Jesus was doing the works of Satan fore he was told this by the Rabbis who wanted Jesus dead.  Prophet Jesus did not die; and insha'Allah, he will return!

So why all this?  In the Gospels of Barnabas states that when the disciples saw Jesus nailed to the cross they were devastated with grief.  But Barnabas had traveled with Jesus more than any of the other disciples and Jesus had told him that this would happen and that he, Barnabas, was to let the other disciples know so they would not grieve; but Barnabas forgot.  Jesus looking down from Heaven saw how his disciples were grieving, so he asked Allah (SWT) to allow him to return to let them know he was okay. When Jesus returned to the disciples they asked Jesus why would Allah (SWT) allow his personage to be humiliated even though he was not on the cross?  Jesus said because of what the people were saying about him, i.e.: “Jesus is God or/and Jesus is the son of God"  Both of these statements are incorrect. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an:

"And behold! Allah will say "O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say onto men, "Worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! Never could I had said what I had no right (to say), Had I said such a thing Thou would indeed have known it. Thou knows what is in the heart, though I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knows in full all that is hidden." "Never said I to them aught except what Thou did command me to say, to wit, "Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord', and I was a witness over them while I dwelt among them; when Thou did take me up thou was the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things" Qur'an, Al Ma'idah (5):116-117

So in the Gospels of Barnabas Jesus was spared punishment in the hereafter because his personage took the humiliation in this would, thereby atoning for the crazy things people were saying about him, alhamdulillah! We can be held responsible for the things others say about us or of us when they are incorrect! We have a responsibility to correct any and all misconceptions. Insha'Allah, I have enlighten you on this. Anything I have said that is incorrect is all from me and I ask Allah's forgiveness; and all that I have said that is correct is from Allah (SWT), alhamdulillah!  Now, you can accept the truth as to the story of Prophet Isa (AS) or you can conjecture as to what happened and make up stories that will mislead the innocent people. When we go to the Qur'an then we have gone to the best authority, Allah(SWT). The Qur'an is the" Speech of Allah."  If you read the Qur'an it is Allah (SWT) speaking directly to you; not anyone else!

1 comment:

  1. " 1734 by George Sale in The Preliminary Discourse to the Koran:

    The Mohammedans have also a Gospel in Arabic, attributed to St. Barnabas, wherein the history of Jesus Christ is related in a manner very different from what we find in the true Gospels, and correspondent to those traditions which Mohammed has followed in his Koran. Of this Gospel the Moriscoes in Africa have a translation in Spanish; and there is in the library of Prince Eugene of Savoy, a manuscript of some antiquity, containing an Italian translation of the same Gospel, made, it is to be supposed, for the use of renegades. This book appears to be no original forgery of the Mohammedans, though they have no doubt interpolated and altered it since, the better to serve their purpose; and in particular, instead of the Paraclete or Comforter, they have, in this apocryphal gospel, inserted the word Periclyte, that is, the famous or illustrious, by which they pretend their prophet was foretold by name, that being the signification of Mohammed in Arabic; and this they say to justify that passage in the Koran where Jesus Christ is formally asserted to have foretold his coming under his other name Ahmed, which is derived from the same root as Mohammed and of the same import."

    This "gospel" is a known apocryphal work written 6 centuries after Jesus and his disciples. Also Barnabas was a companion of Paul not a disciple (the 12) of Jesus, in fact he was a levite who lived in Cyprus and when He heard of the resurrection and the gospel he sold everything he had(implying he owned it and took care of it before this time) to encourage the work of the apostles(acts 4:34-37). As well as all the historical biblical and non-biblical work about Barnanbas. As a companion of Paul He agreed with paul, "Paul and Barnabas also remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also."(Acts 15:35) They were a team going around the world preaching the death burial and resurrection of Christ and He stood and agreed with Paul to not force circumcision any more since Christ has fulfilled the law but the "gospel of Barnabas" shows it should continue. This is history and then came in an abstract secluded manner the pseudo biographical work of "Barnabas" which contradicts all of history. This is poor judgement to think this is a historical work, just to help fit your views. Grace to you and Peace

