As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi w barakatuhu wa maghfiratuh! According to the following ahadith a person having performed salatul Eid can choice to perform or not to perform salatul Jumu'ah. The imam should perform salatul Jumu'ah for those who missed salatul Eid and for those who did not miss it but wish to perform salatul Jumu'ah, Allah alim!
Fiqh us-Sunnah (vol. 2, page 145)
Salatul Jumu'ah and Salatul 'Id occurring on the same day: "If the day of 'Id occurs on Jumu'ah, then salatul Jumu'ah is no longer an obligation upon those who performed the salatul 'Id.
"Zaid ibn Arqam says: "The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam prayed the salatul 'id and then he gave an exemption concerning the Jumu'ah, saying: 'Whoever wishes to pray it may pray it.'" This is related by the five and al-Hakim. Ibn Khuzaimah calls it sahih.
Abu Hurairah reports that the prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "Two festivals have occurred together on this day of yours. For whosoever desires, this will suffice for his salatul Jumu'ah, but we are going to perform salatul Jumu'ah." This is related by Abu Dawud.
It is preferred for the imam to perform the Jumu'ah so anyone who wishes to perform it may do so as well as those who were not able to attend the 'id prayer. The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "We are going to perform the salatul Jumu'ah."
According to the Hanbali school, the zuhr is obligatory upon anyone who does not attend the salatul Jumu'ah because he has performed the 'id prayer. Nevertheless, it apparently is not obligatory as there is a hadith in Sunan Abu Dawud in which Ibn az-Zubair says: "'Id and Jumu'ah occurred on the same day so he joined them and prayed two rak'at at an early time, and did not add anything to it until 'asr."
Allah (SWT) is extremely Merciful and He does not put His man through unnecessary difficulty to practice the Deen! He (SWT) requires the Muslims to attend Jumu'ah, which has the khutbah; He (SWT), also, requires Muslims to attend Salatul Eid which has the khutbah! When they both are on the same day this could cause a hardship on many who try to attend both, so, alhamdulillah He (SWT) has given a choice if one has a problem attending both khutbahs,that is, to attend Salatul Eid only.
There is no abrogating any congregational salah! Salatul Jumu'ah must still be held! Note: if one choices not to attend Salatul Jumu'ah then they must pray Salatul Zuhr! Ma'a salaam!